[Tutor] Memory Leak?

Eike Welk eike.welk at gmx.net
Thu May 8 13:52:21 CEST 2008

On Thursday 08 May 2008 00:03, Keith Suda-Cederquist wrote:
> So I started commenting things out until I isolated the problem. 
> For some reason when I plot some of the data using
> pylab/matplotlib, then close the figure using pylab.close() the
> memory doesn't get cleared. (I left this part out of my psedo-code
> in my previous post--Sorry!).

I can reproduce this behavior with the QT-Agg backend on my computer 
too. However when I use a non-interactive backend, the problem goes 

Backends are explained here:

Here's an example script. The memory usage remains constant. Without 
lines 1 and 2 however the memory usage increases continuously during 
the for loop.

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In [1]:import matplotlib

In [2]:matplotlib.use('Agg')

In [3]:import pylab as pl

In [4]:for i in range(1000):
   .4.:  pl.figure()
   .4.:  pl.plot([1,2,3])
   .4.:  pl.close()

< lines deleted >

Out[4]:[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance at 0x8867bec>]
Out[4]:<matplotlib.figure.Figure instance at 0x81b8a4c>
Out[4]:[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance at 0x8867a8c>]

In [5]:          

Kind regards,

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