[Tutor] Working Script...but!

Ross Glover ross at ross.mayfirst.org
Thu May 29 23:17:23 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I've worked out this script to do what I want generally.  However, I'm 
pretty sure that even though it works, I haven't utilized the advantages 
of python.  This is more or less my first program.  What I would like to 
know is what parts of this script you think could or should be functions 
in their own right.  Also, I'm trying to figure out if I should be 
creating this as a class.  I know that I still need to create some 
exception handling and stuff, but I want to get these functions as well 
articulated as possible.  I hope it's okay that I submitted this much 

Thanks for any suggestions,


#!/usr/bin/env python

# Filename: read_tags.py

import os

import re

file_name = raw_input("Name of file to read: ")

read_path = "/home/ross/Desktop/%s.txt" % file_name

read_file = file(read_path, "r")

search_file = read_file.read()


def write_file(string_to_write):

    '''This function writes a string to a specified file using append

    and taking data from the string given it.'''

    if string_to_write != []:

        write_to_filename = raw_input("Name of file to write: ")

        path_input = raw_input("Path to file: ")

        if path_input == "":

            default_path = "/home/ross/Desktop/"

            write_to_path = default_path + "%s.txt" % write_to_filename

            write_to_file = file(write_to_path, "a")

            for items in string_to_write:

                write_to_file.write(items + '\n')


            print "File %s written!" % path_input


            write_to_path = path_input+ "%s" % write_to_filename

            write_to_file = file(write_to_path, "a")

            for items in string_to_write:

                write_to_file.write(items + '\n')

            print "File %s written!" % write_to_path


        print "There is nothing to write."

def search_text():

    if search_file != False:

        tag_to_search = raw_input("Name the theme: ")

        rawstr = "(?<=</%s>).*(?=<%s>)|(?<=</%s>).*[\\n]+[\S\s[<%s>]+?]*(?=<%s>)" % (tag_to_search, tag_to_search, tag_to_search, tag_to_search, tag_to_search)

        search_result = re.findall(rawstr, search_file) 


        #print search_result

        return search_result



        print "File is empty!"

If you know what you're doing, you must not be 'doing' a dissertation.

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