[Tutor] how to read over serial port

Roel Schroeven rschroev_nospam_ml at fastmail.fm
Sun Nov 2 10:26:42 CET 2008

shawn bright schreef:
> Hey there all,
> I have a gps device that talks to the computer over a serial port.
> i am using the pyserial module and getting values in.
> Here is my delima,
> i am supposed to read a message in that starts with a $ (this is all ascii).
> but when i do a ser.read(16) and i try to print it to a screen, it is
> all just weird characters.

Are you sure you opened the serial port with the correct baudrate and 
other settings? It's common to see unexpected characters coming from a 
serial port if you use the wrong baudrate.

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   -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

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