[Tutor] Question

Rich Lovely roadierich at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 9 15:24:37 CET 2008

All you really need for python is a basic text editor, and the  
interpretter. Everything else is icing. Notepad++ has syntax  
highlighting support for python, and sounds as if it has brace and  
bracket completion. Most people here will tell you that auto- 
completion in python is a complex issue (most objects can have dynamic  
attributes defined at runtime that most auto-complete engines will  
miss). Notepad++ also supports auto-indentation, which is probably the  
most useful feature of any editor used for python.

Note I've never used it myself, just took a quick look through it's  

Richard "Roadie Rich" Lovely
Part of the JNP|UK Famille

(Sent from my iPod - please allow me a few typos: it's a very small  

On 9 Nov 2008, at 03:22 AM, Bap <ichigo6420 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can I use notepad++ for Python?
> Thank you! ;-)
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