[Tutor] Question

Python Nutter pythonnutter at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 10:33:12 CET 2008

I use Notepad++ on my Windows box for Python, but my feeling about it
is a bit "Blah..." but thats my feeling with Windows in general ;-)

I think I'm one of the rare ones who do not like its choice of Syntax
Highlighting colours. But too lazy to change them since I don't do
much development on my Windows box to warrant it now that I got a Mac
on the desk as well.

I use ipython a lot and linked to Notepad++ in it so on Windows just typing
>>>edit somefile.py

will auto launch Notepad++ and let me code then when I save/exit it
will load the file automatically back into ipython and start
interpreting it.

On the Mac I just linked ipython in the config file to nano
On the iPhone 3G I just linked ipython in the config file to nano
On the Linux/Ubuntu box I also linked to nano...

hmmm looks like I use nano a lot more than I though ;-)


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