[Tutor] Python 2.5 on a Win 98 Machine

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Nov 17 12:45:45 CET 2008

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Wayne Watson
<sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I'm attaching the screen image the user of the program rcvd. If you'd like
> me to place it somewhere that everyone can see it, I'll do so if you provide
> the URL.

You can copy and paste from the dos prompt, you don't have to post screen shots.

> Is there something worthwhile pursing with this screen message? If not, then
> I'm just going to turn his problem over to the sponsoring organization, and
> let them worry about it.

Apparently it is not finding a DLL that it needs, either
matplotlib._path or something required by _path. I would look for the
_path module, if you have it and it is Python, look at what it
imports. Do you have numpy installed on this machine? It is required
by matplotlib. What happens if you try to import numpy?

Please reply to the list, not to me personally.


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