[Tutor] text file to excel csv file using python programming

Gilbert pixelspics at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 14:57:51 CET 2008

Hi Kent,

   thanks for the valuable suggestion. to make it more clearer
here is my example...

Below is my input text file in dlg format. this dlg file contains 2
one is for coordinate x=50, y=55 and another is for coordinate x=60, y=65.


Machine No.: ABC     Date: March 03,2006 11:22AM
Program Name: DEF
Version: B0  Lot: GHI
Operator: Jane
Item 0.A00.000.001  print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate >>>>>

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

Item 5004.A00.000.001  current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item A

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item -16.737uA,

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item description:, 50, 55,0, 16,16.737

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_curr curr:, 50, 55,2.9,1.5,   18.00760,
17.84030,   18.06844,    0.10003,    0.06925,   -0.00769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 50, 55,3.3,1.8,   21.52091,
21.64259,   21.68821,   -0.00769,    0.08464,    0.00769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 50, 55,3.7,2.1,   24.42586,
24.48669,   24.50190,    0.02308,   -0.06925,   -0.14620

Item 0.A00.000.001  get_time_item

       0.A00.***.***     get_time_item Time:, 50, 55,47.733332s

b00 Result=OK, Number=2

Machine No.: ABC     Date: March 03,2006 11:24AM
Program Name: DEF
Version: B0  Lot: GHI
Operator: Jane
Item 0.A00.000.001  print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate >>>>>

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

Item 5004.A00.000.001  current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item A

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item -25.737uA,

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item description:, 60, 65,1, 16,25.737

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_curr curr:, 60, 65,2.9,1.5,   19.00760,
18.84030,   19.06844,    0.20003,    0.16925,   -0.10769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 60, 65,3.3,1.8,   22.52091,
22.64259,   22.68821,   -0.10769,    0.18464,    0.10769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 60, 65,3.7,2.1,   25.42586,
25.48669,   25.50190,    0.12308,   -0.16925,   -0.24620

Item 0.A00.000.001  get_time_item

       0.A00.***.***     get_time_item Time:, 60, 65,57.444455s

b00 Result=OK, Number=3


the output file below in csv excel format


Machine No.      Lot    Date                   Time              X
Y    current item     curr1_2.9_1.5    curr2_2.9_1.5    curr5_2.9_1.5
curr3_3.7_2.1    curr5_3.7_2.1    Time             Number
ABC                 GHI   March 03, 2006    11:22AM        50    55
16.737            18.00760           17.84030          0.06925
24.50190          -0.06925            47.733332s    2
ABC                 GHI   March 03, 2006    11:24AM        60    65
25.737            19.00760           18.84030          0.16925
25.50190          -0.16925            57.444455s    3


if my explanation is not so clear let me know. thanks.

best regards,

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Gilbert <pixelspics at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi People,
> >
> >     I tried to look for some answers but I see only same data format
> > processing ( *.txt to *.txt ) in python.
> > my question is how to convert a text file ( e.g. *.log, *.dlg ) to excel
> > *.csv using python programming.
> This kind of program can be pretty simple, depending on the format of
> your text file. It generally will have the form
> open input file
> open output file
> open csv writer for output file
> for each line in input:
>  split the line into fields
>  write the fields to the csv writer
> close input file
> close output file
> The real program may not be much longer than that. I really depends on
> what you need to do with the input lines. Can you show an example?
> Kent
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