[Tutor] Tramline implementation

goldgod a agoldgod at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 10:00:47 CEST 2008


I'm not sure what your problem is. Do you mean that your cgi is never
> being called by Apache? You have to configure apache for this to
> happen. Check the Apache docs or google 'python cgi apache'.

I created a simple upload file using python-cgi. It's working with apache. I
want to implement tramline support with that file. Tramline will work with
apache and we can transfer the large  file. I added the virtual host also
but the tamline is not working. The same problem I am facing while implement
it in PLONE/ZOPE. Any idea. I checked the apache log no more error over
there, but apache is working fine. Any Idea to implement the same in
cgi,plone or zope. Any body used it before.

Thanks & Regards,
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