[Tutor] Web programming advice

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 19 20:26:26 CEST 2008

"Patrick" <optomatic at rogers.com> wrote

> I am in the small minority of people who are don't like frameworks.

There used to be a small minority of people who didn't like compiled
or other high level languages. But they gradually died out... There
was even a very small community who didn't like assembler, preferring
to enter binary or hexcodes directly, but they died out very quickly!

> really struggling to get going without one.

Yep, that's why other folks like them! :-)

> You can actually program directly on the WSGI layer. I am trying to 
> do this. You get CGI like control(actually better) with high 
> performance

Just as you can program a Windows GUI using the Win32 API.
Or use XLib on X windows. (X in very interesting because it has
many layers of abstraction designed right in, from XLib to Xt to
XView/Motif/GTK etc)  But its all incredibly painful!

> According to this article there have been changes to 350K lines of 
> code in Django:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2008/sep/03/1/
> I am sure this is an awesomely powerful framework but how the hell 
> does anyone understand the magic under the cover with so many lines 
> of code?

Only the developers do. There are hundreds of thousands of lines in a
GUI framework too but nobody feels the need to read them all before
using wxWindows or Tcl/Tk or GTK...

> Are you really programming in Python or are you programming in 
> Django now?

You are programming in Python using Django.
Similarly when you import the os module you are programming in Python
using the os module. If you look at the source for os and then drill 
to look at the Unix C libraries utilised you will find many thousands 
lines of code there too, before you ultimately call the OS system 
If you then drill into the system call code (which you can do in Linux 
Darwin) you will find that they eventually call BIOS routines written 
assembler. But very few programmers bother reading the assembler
code for the BIOS routine (interrupt 0x13 from memory?) that writes to
disk before considering whether they should use file.writelines() in

The whole of software engineering is built up on layers of software
provided by others. 'Framework' is just a fancy name for a particular
type of layer. If it makes the job easier and delivers acceptable
performance use it. If not drop down a layer.

Sometimes programming at the lower levels can be useful for learning,
sometimes it can be a fun challenge in its own right. But if you need
to get a job done go with the highest level software support you can 
Thats why we are using Python and not C, right?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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