[Tutor] Sorting Dictionary of Dictionary by certain Value

John Fouhy john at fouhy.net
Wed Sep 24 02:59:25 CEST 2008

2008/9/24 Joe Python <jopython at gmail.com>:
> Hi Pythonistas,
> I have a large dictionary of dictionary (50,000+ keys) which has a structure
> as follows:
> I want to sort the dictionary by 'income'
> Is there an efficient way to do the same.

Note that you cannot sort a dictionary.  The best you can do is build
a list containing the dictionary keys in the appropriate order and use
the dictionary in combination with that list.

You could try this:

1. Build a dictionary mapping income to list of families.
2. Sort keys to this dictionary.
3. Iterate through this sorted list, emitting family names.


from collections import defaultdict
familiesByIncome = defaultdict(list)
for family in DoD:

incomes = familiesByIncome.keys()
incomes.sort()     # sorts from lowest to highest

familiesSorted = []
for inc in incomes:




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