[Tutor] (no subject)
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Apr 7 10:49:28 CEST 2009
"Sifis Sifakis" <sifis_21 at hotmail.com> wrote
> I'm a student in Applied Informatics and i need to make a project in
> Python.
> More specificaly,i have to create a simple online bookstore using Python.
We don;t do homework for you but we are happy to help with pointers
and bug fixing.
> Could you also send me some sample code of a webpage(online store)
> including Python in order your advise to be more understandable to me?
You need to learn about the Common Gateway Interface or CGI.
This is the basis of all web server programming and Python supports
it in its most basic form via the cgi module. There is a heap of
documentation on the Python web site about web programming
and the cgi module docs show simple examples.
For a more complex project like a bookstore you might want to
consider one of the web frameworks like Pylons, Django or
TurboGears. But the CGI stuff lies under all of them.
Once you get started come back here for help when things
don't work or you get stuck.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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