[Tutor] oops concepts

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 15 00:27:33 CEST 2009

"sudhanshu gautam" <sudhanshu9252 at gmail.com> wrote

> are there any Links by which I can get good knowledge in OOPS .

Try the cetus links web site. 
Also google and wikipedia will throw up lots of sites.

>  I want to go with good problems in OOPS so tell me any good 
> book or link of oops concepts

My OOP topic lists 3 books as well as a link to cetus links.

There are also things like Thinking In Java/C++ and the 
Design Patterns site.

A lot depends on whether you want to really understand the theory
behind OOP or are happy just knowing how to build classes 
and use OOP to write programs. Most people are happy with 
the latter and in that case just pick whichever site makes most 
sense to you and then write a lot of code. 

If you do want a good theoretical grounding look to books like 
OOSC by Meyer and OOAD by Booch. But you should also consider 
the pair of Schlaer-Mellor books which make no requirement that 
you use an OOP language to build a pure OOP system.  They are 
quite different in approach to most modern OOP text books but 
once you get your head wrapped around the ideas it is a very 
powerful approach.

For a more mathematically rigorous approach yet you should 
read up on concurrent sequential machines and state automata 
theory and any text book on formal simulation techniques.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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