[Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

Carnell, James E jecarnell at saintfrancis.com
Wed Apr 15 19:27:16 CEST 2009

Since # the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought
this might # be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

class Item ( object ):

    def __init__( self ):
    	self._FullName = ''
    	self._Recovery = 0
    	self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter (); # <----? Don't

Bummer, I was hoping to consider myself at the tip of intermediate
python programming <sigh>... 

This is the first time I have ever seen a variable set to what appears
to be a function address(?). Since I am at work I can't copy paste this
thing yet. Is SimpleItemExporter from the parent class, object? I am
assuming Item extends or inherits (or whatever the right "word" is) from

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