[Tutor] print output

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Thu Apr 16 20:26:57 CEST 2009

mbikinyi brat <mbikinyi_brat at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear ALL,
> I have defined variables as below and when I call them using the print function, I have something discontinous as in pink colour. How do I call it so that my output should be as in blue
>>>> counter=101
>>>> miles=1000
>>>> name="joe"
>>>> print counter
> 101
>>>> print miles
> 1000
>>>> print name
> joe
> What I want:(Output)
> 101
> 1000
> joe
> Regards,
> Henry
I assume you're just asking all the output to come out at the same 
time.  Two ways to do that:
  1)   put multiple print statements (not print functions, as you're not 
using Python 3.0) on the line, like
           print counter; print miles; print name

  2) Use newlines in a single print statement, to get them onto separate 
         print counter, "\n", miles, "\n", name

   3) Write the whole thing in a definition, and call it.

    def  myfun():

>>> counter=101
>>> miles=1000
>>> name="joe"
>>> print counter
>>> print miles
>>> print name


(I can't seem to get those funny vertical bars to edit right, so this 
may not be formatted quite right.)

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