[Tutor] Reading from files problem

Scottsa pydevrsc at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 04:36:21 CEST 2009

Hi Chris,

On Apr 19, 2009, at 5:45 PM, Chris Castillo wrote:

> I am trying to open a text file and read multiple lines containing the
> following:
> 745777686,Alam,Gaus,CIS,15,30,25,15,5,31,15,48,70,97
> 888209279,Anderson,Judy,Math Ed,14,30,30,13,11,30,16,18,58,72

This is CSV format data (comma separated values), and python has a  
very nice library for reading it.

It does all of the heavy-lifting (file-handling) and splits the lines  
into lists.

something like this:

	import csv

	studentReader = csv.reader(open('students.csv'), 'rb')

	for student in studentReader:
		student_values = do_something(student)

> I want to ask the user for the student number, check to see if that
> number is even valid and display something like:


>    totalpoints = 550
>    hwgrades = float(hw1) + float(hw2) + float(hw3) + float(hw4) +
> float(hw5) + float(hw6) + float(hw7)
>    testgrades = float(test1) + float(test2) + float(test3)
>    studentpoints = float(hwgrades) + float(testgrades)
>    avgrades = round(float(studentpoints / totalpoints) * 100.0, 2)

This could be done with the 'reduce' built-in library function,  
combined with list slicing:

	hwgrades  = reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y),  

... which translates into columns #6, #7 and #8 (remember, lists are  

You could write a simple method that does the reduction for you:

	def reduce_numbers(number_list):
		ret_val = 0.0
		for val in number_list:
			ret_val += float(val)
		return ret_val

Then you'd call it like this:
	some_result = reduce_numbers(student[5:8]

lamda defines a method, just like 'def' does, but does not name it  
because it is used and disposed of immediately.

So, "do_something" could look like this (not tested or debugged):

	def do_something(student_values, sought_id):
		student_id = lines[0]
		if sought_id == student_id:
			last_name = lines[1]
			first_name = lines[2]
			major = lines[3]
			hw_grades  = reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y),  
			test_grades  = reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y),  

			...[other code you may wish to perform]...

			print first_name, last_name, identifier

Note: I didn't count the cols so my 'split' numbers are not correct,  
but you get the idea.

You could even move the testing phase to the reading like this:

	sought_id = 888209279 # however you are going to obtain this i.e.  
from sys.argv or otherwise.
	for student in studentReader:
		if student[0] == sought_id:

Please also check-out string formatting here:

It allows you to make prettier output if you like and find it easier  
to read than a lot of string joins (val1 + val2 + ' - ' + val3... yuck!)

	'%s, %s (%s): %0.2f points' % (last_name, first_name, student_id,  

	'Doe, Jane (888209279): 76.22 points'

> That's what I have so far but I have a feeling I shouldn't use a for
> loop. I would really like any help trying to figure out this program.
> Thanks in advance.

If you are doing a lot of querying of the data, you could use sqlite  
which would mean you iterate the file once into the database and you  
can use sql to perform the lookup.

You'd have to create the schema and use the student ID as the primary  
key. You could also pre-process the values on import, so the results  
would be pretty simple to obtain.

	select student_name, test_grades, student_points, avg_grades from  
studentdb where student_id = '888209279';

would return the values in a list. You could also perform searches by  
last-name (all the "smith's", for example, or partial names or...

I realize that is a bit over what you were starting with, but it is  
likely another logical step in your venture...

Okay, I hope this is clear enough to get you over a couple of points,


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