[Tutor] PDF to text conversion
david at abbottdavid.com
Tue Apr 21 21:01:03 CEST 2009
bob gailer wrote:
> Robert Berman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I must convert a history file in PDF format that goes from May of 1988
>> to current date. Readings are taken twice weekly and consist of the
>> date taken mm/dd/yy and the results appearing as a 10 character
>> numeric + special characters sequence. This is obviously an easy setup
>> for a very small database application with the date as the key, the
>> result string as the data.
>> My problem is converting the PDF file into a text file which I can
>> then read and process. I do not see any free python libraries having
>> this capacity. I did see a PDFPILOT program for Windows but this
>> application is being developed on Linux and should also run on
>> Windows; so I do not want to incorporate a Windows only application.
How about pyPdf;
And an example;
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