[Tutor] Don't understand error messages.

WM. wferguson1 at socal.rr.com
Wed Apr 22 22:17:20 CEST 2009

Kent Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:57 PM, WM. <wferguson1 at socal.rr.com> wrote:
>> Using Windows XP, Python 2.6 & Al Sweigart's "Invent Your Own...", I keyed
>> in the Hangman Program. So far as I can tell it is totally proofed out.
>>  Still, I get an error message which makes no sense to me.
>> def DisplayBoard(HANGMAPIX, MissedLetters, CorrectLetters, SecretWord):
>>   print HANGMANPIX[len(MissedLetters)]
>>   print
>>   print 'MissedLetters:',
>>   for Letter in MissedLetters:
>>       print Letter,
>>       print
>>       Blanks = '_' * len(SecretWord)
>>       for i in range(len(SecretWord)):
>>           # 116 Replace Blanks with correctly guessed letters.
>>           if SecrettWord[i] in CorrectLetters:
>>               Blanks = Blanks[:i] + SecretWord[i] + Blanks[i+1:]
>>                 for Letters in Blanks:#Show SecretWord w 1 space between
>> letters.
>>       print Letter,
> The above line should be indented more than the previous line. I'm not
> sure if that is the cause of your error but give it a try and see.
> Kent
The indents were dis-arrayed e-mail, due to a long REM;
in the script the indents are as you suggest.

        Blanks = '_' * len(SecretWord)

        for i in range(len(SecretWord)):
            # 116 Replace Blanks with correctly guessed letters.
            if SecrettWord[i] in CorrectLetters:
                Blanks = Blanks[:i] + SecretWord[i] + Blanks[i+1:]
    for Letters in Blanks:
        print Letter,

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