[Tutor] Python help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 25 10:00:04 CEST 2009

"IT_ForMe" <Snice14247 at aol.com> wrote 

> cart = {"apple":2.00, "orange":2.50, "banana":1.75}

You set this up but then don't use it.
Also your problem statement said *some* items were
taxable, implying some were not. You might want to 
record whether an item is taxable in the dictionary too.

> print cart
> apple = 2 
> orange = 2.5
> banana = 1.75

You don't need these lines since they are replicating 
your dictionary above

> totalprice = 0

You don't need this since you will set totalprice in the next line.

> totalprice = apple + orange + banana

You should use the dictionary here, and you could apply 
the tax to the taxable items before generating the total.
Also you might like to use a loop to get the total since 
the cart might change the number of items in a real 
world scenario.

> print "your subtotal is 'totalprice'"
> taxedprice = (totalprice *.07) + totalprice

It might be easier to just multiple by 1.07
Also it would be good to store the tax as a variable in 
case the rate changes.

> print "your final price is 'taxedprice'"
> prompt = raw_input("are you a student?")
> if yes
> ('taxedprice' / 10) + taxed price = student

you must assign a value to a variable you cannot assign 
a variable to an expression.

Also, I thought the students got a discount? 
This provides a surcharge!

> print "your student price is 'student'
> else
> print "have a nice day"

You also have some faulty syntax in the last if/else 
section which Python will tell you about.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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