[Tutor] Add newline's, wrap, a long string
Martin Walsh
mwalsh at mwalsh.org
Wed Apr 29 15:37:39 CEST 2009
Sander Sweers wrote:
> 2009/4/29 David <david at abbottdavid.com>:
>> Here is the whole program so far, what it does is it logs into a druple web
>> site and posts. I would like to make it better, as you can see I do the same
>> thing over and over.
>> http://linuxcrazy.pastebin.com/m7689c088
> What you can do is define all the variables upfront. This way you can
> get rid of the else. Below is an example how you can do this with only
> looping once over the fle.
> CBUILD = ''
> for line in fname:
> if 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS' in line:
> output = line.split('"')[1]
> ACCEPT_KEYWORDS = textwrap.fill(output, 80)
> if 'CBUILD' in line:
> output = line.split('"')[1]
> CBUILD = textwrap.fill(output, 80)
What is particularly important to note here is that Sander is iterating
over the file 'fname' only once. When you loop thru the lines of a file
with this form it is consumed, and you get nothing back for subsequent
attempts, unless you re-open the file, or explicitly move back to the
beginning, ie. fname.seek(0).
> etc etc
> Greets
> Sander
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