[Tutor] easy way to populate a dict with functions
Albert-Jan Roskam
fomcl at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 6 21:18:17 CEST 2009
...Still one more question:
cmds = inspect.getmembers(commands, inspect.isfunction)
print cmds
#will generate
[('bletch', <function bletch at 0x01173370>), ('foo', <function foo at 0x011732B0>), ('romans', <function romans at 0x011733F0>), ('stilton', <function stilton at 0x011733B0>)]
This looks okay, but the order in which the functions appear in the module (commands.py) is different:
foo, bletch, stilton, romans
Do you know why?
Cheers again,
--- On Thu, 8/6/09, bob gailer <bgailer at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: bob gailer <bgailer at gmail.com>
> Subject: RE: [Tutor] easy way to populate a dict with functions
> To: fomcl at yahoo.com
> Cc: "tutorpythonmailinglist Python" <tutor at python.org>
> Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 7:28 PM
> Please start a new email when
> starting a new topic. Otherwise it gets linked to the
> previous one in email clients that follow threads!
> To avoid that here I am responding in a new email. Also
> fixed spelling in subject.
> Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was playing with the code below, and I was wondering
> if there was a way to populate the dictionary called
> 'commands' (in the function 'check_command()').
> >
> > Suppose I would add another function, which I would
> also like to store as a value in 'commands', could it simply
> be programmed, or would every update/addition require the
> definition of the dictionary to be extended?
> > It would be most desirable if one could simply add
> another function without there being the need to touch any
> of the other code.
> >
> >
> Here's how I'd do it. Others may have other solutions.
> Put the command functions in a separate module, e.g.,
> commands.py:
> # -------- code ---------------
> def foo (a):
> return "foo" * a
> def bletch (q):
> for i in range(20):
> print i * q
> def stilton (n):
> print "yes sir, " * n
> def romans (z):
> print "what have the romans really done for us?\n" * z
> # -------- end code ---------------
> Put the "main" program (in another module) e.g., main.py:
> # -------- code ---------------
> import commands
> import inspect
> cmds = inspect.getmembers(commands, inspect.isfunction)
> num_cmds = len(cmds)
> option_list = "|".join(str(c) for c in range(1,
> num_cmds+1))
> prompt = "choose an option [%s]: " % option_list
> def check_command():
> while True:
> select = raw_input(prompt)
> try:
> command = cmds[int(select)][1]
> except ValueError:
> print "non-numeric option
> (%s)" % select
> except IndexError:
> print "option out of range (%s)" %
> select
> else:
> check_parameter(command)
> break
> def check_parameter(command):
> while True:
> parameter = raw_input("choose a parameter
> [integer]: ")
> if parameter.isdigit():
> command(int(parameter))
> break
> else:
> print "illegal parameter (%s)" %
> parameter
> check_command()
> # -------- end code ---------------
> cmds is a list similar to:
> [('bletch', <function bletch at 0x011BA2B0>),
> ('foo', <function foo at 0x011AF9B0>),
> ('romans', <function romans at 0x011BA330>),
> ('stilton', <function stilton at 0x011BA2F0>)]
> -- Bob Gailer
> Chapel Hill NC
> 919-636-4239
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