[Tutor] Configuaration files and paths?

Allen Fowler allen.fowler at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 7 01:39:08 CEST 2009

> Martin Walsh <mwalsh at mwalsh.org>

> Allen Fowler wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > As a follow-up question, how do give my modules stored under ./lib access to 
> the data in my ConfigParser object?  (For instance, database connection string, 
> storage path, etc.)
> > 
> > I guess a global ConfigParser object would work, but that seems wrong.
> > 
> And yet, to me it seems wrong to have more than one instance of config
> data floating around. Instead of using a global you can pass the config
> object, or just the appropriate attributes, around to your lib
> functions/classes, as necessary -- and keep the flow in your main
> script. For example (highly speculative, FWIW),
> # app.py
> from database.connection import getcursor
> from lib.persist import Storage
> def main():
>     confp = ConfigParser()
>     confp.read(join_relative(__file__, 'config/prefs.ini'))
>     config = confp.defaults()
>     curs = getcursor(config[db_connection_string])
>     ...
>     storage = Storage(config[storage_path])

I hear your point.  It makes sense.

The above sample code seems like the way to go... if I can structure my modules like that.

For an object that needs many settings, what about passing in an instance of ConfigParser?  (Or should I extract the settings to a dict, first?)

Thank you again,


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