[Tutor] To write data in two different fonts?

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Tue Aug 11 17:41:38 CEST 2009

prasad rao wrote:
> Hello
>  I modified my code.But I am gettingmy my lines stripped of indentation.
> What should I do to avoid it?Sorry if it is not about Python.
> <code>
> def sc(adir):
>        import os,myfiles
>        dest=open('C:/scripts.html','w')
>        s=myfiles.myfiles(adir)
>        dest.write('<html>')
>        for x in s:
>               if os.path.isfile(x):
>                   sorce=open(x,'r')
>                   dest.write('<h1><font=Helvetica,fontsize=14>')
>                   dest.write(x)
>                   dest.write('</h1>')
>                   for l in sorce:
>                        dest.write('<p><font=Arial,fontsize=8>')
>                        dest.write(l)
>                        dest.write('</p>')
>                   sorce.close()
>               else:pass
>        dest.write('</html>')
>        dest.close()
> </code>
This question is about html.  You knew enough to put the html tags 
around it, and the p tags around each line.  But within a p tag, the 
element content is transparent to whitespace.   That's usually a good 
thing, as it means paragraphs automatically wordwrap according to the 
size and shape of the browser.  But you want the text here to be 
unformatted, preserving indents, and preserving embedded spaces.

<following untested>

The brute-force way might be to replace each space in "l" with    
&nbsp;   which is a "nonbreaking space."  But I think you want the <pre> 
tag, which means the text is pre-formatted.  And you could put that 
around the whole sorce file, instead of doing <p> for each line.

See   http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_pre.asp

Incidentally, I think you ought to add <body> as well.  And maybe some 
other boilerplate to eliminate warnings in a browser.  You'll also get 
into trouble if any of the lines have "&" or "<" in them.


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