[Tutor] Dynamic Function Calls

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 14 01:50:18 CEST 2009

"Megan Land" <mland at us.ibm.com> wrote

> I'm trying to call a function from a dictionary.  I did some googling and
> from what I can tell my code should work, but doesn't.  Here's an 
> example:
> def myFunc(self, inputList):

The fact you have a self in there suggests that this is a method
of some class? Is it? If not remove the self.

>    dict={0: func0, 1: func1, 2:func2}

What do you think this is doing? What are func0, func1 etc?
Where are they defined?

>    for element in inputList:
>       dict[element]()

This will work provided element exists in dict and dict[element]
is a callable object, eg a function. But I recommend putting
some error handling in for the cases where either of those
two conditions is not true

> When I go to run this I get an error saying func0 is not defined.  Does
> anyone have any ideas as to why this won't work?

Because you haven't defined func0!

try adding

def func0(): print 'func0'

def func1(): print 'func1'

def func2(): print 'func2'

above your function.
Then it might work if you call you function like this:



Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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