[Tutor] Web framework: looking for python-tutor's angle.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 14 01:55:05 CEST 2009

"Mac Ryan" <quasipedia at gmail.com> wrote 

>A couple of months ago I took the time to read a few articles on python
> web application frameworks and I got the impression that the two most
> mature and active projects are Zope and Django.

They are both mature and widely used, but for quite different markets.
TurboGears is a more direct competitor to Django and there is no 
competitor (in the Python world) to Zope

> This [1] graph seems to corroborate my final impression (i.e. that
> django is the way to go). 
> I believe my needs are quite ordinary: my customers are typically small
> businesses needing to process their data on a single server, sometime
> exposing part of the application as front-end to the customers 

That sounds like Django to me. Zope is better suited to large scale 
corporate type scenarios with high volumes. If Zope can't cope 
you really need to move to the big guns like BEA Weblogic etc.. 
But for SMEs Django (et al) is ideal.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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