[Tutor] python and java report writers

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Aug 17 21:49:06 CEST 2009

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 2:31 PM, John<jfabiani at yolo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been searching for a report writer to work with my python programs.  I
> did find reportlab. But most of the other report writers are java based.  I
> am confused by all the jargon associated with Java and have very little
> working knowledge of the environment.  So I'm hoping someone will help out.
> I'd like to understand how python can integrate with Java in general and then
> how it would work with the Java report writers.  I have read a little about
> jPython but do not understand how to make that work with my python programs.
> It would appear to me it is a way to replace python.  I don't want to replace
> my python code.  I want to just call a java report writer.  Passing either
> the data or parameters to retrieve the data  and ask it to print a report.  I
> would think that would be straight forward.  But I see nothing about python
> and jasper for example.  Therefore, something is unusual in this case.

Jython (it has not been called jPython for a very long time) is an
implementation of Python that is written in Java and interoperates
well with Java libraries, both standard libraries and third-party

When you use jython, you do write Python code. The main differences
are in the library modules available; not all of the Python std lib is
available in Jython, and third-party modules that have compiled
extensions won't work.

Depending on what else your program does, and how big it is already,
jython may be a reasonable approach.

Another possibility might be calling a report writer from the command
line, if that is possible with any of the writers you are interested
in. You could also look at JPype though I don't know much about its


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