[Tutor] win32com and ocx with properties

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 22:45:38 CET 2009

John wrote:
> I realize that some may consider this an advance question.  But there are many 
> here that are advance.  So I'm hoping some nice soul will help me.
> I'm attempting to use a OCX designed to talk with QuickBooks.  I'm using 
> win32com for the first time and have discovered an issue that I'm sure others 
> have run into.  But researching google etc.  has not helped.
> obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("InQB.Invoice.1")
> #In the VB code 
> #obj.ItemName(0) = 'string' 
> #in python I'm trying 
> obj.ItemName[0] = 'string'


obj.ItemName.Item[0] = 'string'

In VB obj.ItemName(0) = 'string' Item is the "default" property.
obj.ItemName.Item(0) = 'string' will also work in VB

> #error is "Instancemethod object does not support item assignment"
> I found and ran makepy.py and here is the code it created dealing with my obj.
> # The method ItemName is actually a property, but must be used as a method
> to correctly pass the arguments
> def ItemName(self, ItemIndex=defaultNamedNotOptArg):
>         """Line item property: Reference to the kind of item."""
>         # Result is a Unicode object
>         return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(19, LCID, 2, (8, 0), 
> ((3,1),),ItemIndex )
> As I read the above code it can only return a string not assign anything. I'm 
> not sure what "InvokeTypes" does.
> So the question is how can I get around this issue?  I'm sure others need to 
> set properties in com objects.
> BTW does anyone know of a win32com forum or list?

There is python-win32 at python.org

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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