[Tutor] Fast fourier transform libraries?

Joe Veldhuis electroblog at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 00:48:18 CET 2009

Hello to all. I'm working on a program that will need to do some simple signal analysis (namely, find the frequency of an audio signal) as part of its operation.

Something like:
samples = list()
for i in range(fft_length):

fft_bins = FFT(samples, sample_rate, window_function)

for bin in fft_bins:
 #find strongest bin
 #return frequency in Hz corresponding to that bin

My question is, can someone recommend a library that provides an FFT function that will do what I want (i.e. take samples and return a list of bins)? Could be a binding to FFTW, or something else entirely. A search on PYPI returned nothing of interest.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

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