[Tutor] print IP address range to stdout

spir denis.spir at free.fr
Tue Dec 22 19:09:16 CET 2009

MK <lopoff at gmx.net> dixit:

> First function the ip is splitted as i did it. Alright.
> The use 256 as it is the maximum for any digit. ok.
> But what is that ** and exp meaning ????
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> def ip_to_int(dotted_ip):
> 	exp = 3
> 	intip = 0
> 	for quad in dotted_ip.split('.'): 
> 		intip = intip + (int(quad) * (256 ** exp))
> 		exp = exp - 1
> 	return(intip)
> ---------------------------------------------------

As a global explaination, this convert an ip address to a single integer, like if it were a number written in base 256 with 4 digits A,B,C,D:
--> (A,B,C,D)
--> A*(256^3) + B*(256^2) + C*(256^1) + D * (256^0)
--> n


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