[Tutor] passing unknown no of arguments

Dave Rankin dave at field15.com
Thu Feb 5 15:19:54 CET 2009

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> > In general you can't. You would need to have a Python interpreter
> > in your browser. The only reliable way to run code in a browser is
> > to use JavaScript.

I'm very new to Python, but I've also been wondering about this.  It would 
seem to me that with Jython you could write Python code that you convert to 
Java applets to run in the web browser.  After a little bit of googling 
around, it seems that it all comes down to importing Applet from java.applet 
and then, of course, learning the applet interface.  I didn't immediately see 
anything about performance issues, reliability, gotchas, or any other 
significant drawbacks, but if the original poster really did mean Python code 
that runs in the browser instead of on the server, maybe this approach would 
help them.


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