[Tutor] Python 2.6.1 + Linux Ubuntu (Gutsy Gibbon)

Eric Dorsey dorseye at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 02:24:07 CET 2009

I am trying to teach myself Linux, and so I'm running Ubuntu (Gutsy Gibbon)
as a virtual machine. I went to terminal, started up Python and realized it
was version 2.5 so I thought I'd just upgrade to 2.6.1 After doing some
Googling around, it seems that Ubuntu is highly reliant on Python 2.5, so
upgrading isn't so simple after all.
Is this just Ubuntu that is so integrated with Python, or all flavors of
Linux? Doesn't this hinder developers who use Ubuntu (and Linux?) as their
primary OS when new versions of Python come out?

I have been using Windows forever, but everyone says Linux is the
development environment. Thoughts?
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