[Tutor] Python 2.6.1 + Linux Ubuntu (Gutsy Gibbon)

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Sat Feb 7 09:28:37 CET 2009

Eric Dorsey wrote:
> I am trying to teach myself Linux, and so I'm running Ubuntu (Gutsy 
> Gibbon) as a virtual machine. I went to terminal, started up Python and 
> realized it was version 2.5 so I thought I'd just upgrade to 2.6.1 After 
> doing some Googling around, it seems that Ubuntu is highly reliant on 
> Python 2.5, so upgrading isn't so simple after all. 
> Is this just Ubuntu that is so integrated with Python, or all flavors of 
> Linux? Doesn't this hinder developers who use Ubuntu (and Linux?) as 
> their primary OS when new versions of Python come out? 

It's not 'tightly' integrated per se. If you're familiar with 
Debian/Ubuntu, you can add
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/doko/ubuntu/ gutsy
to your /etc/apt/sources.list file and then fetch python2.6 from there.

You'll have to invoke it as python2.6. The default /usr/bin/python will 
still link to python2.5


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