[Tutor] Is this correct?

cclpianos at comcast.net cclpianos at comcast.net
Sun Feb 8 16:24:06 CET 2009


I just realized that I shouldn't enclose my project in an attachment.

This is my first attempt to string together py-code. Is this correct?  
And how would a pro word this? It seems like an  awful lot of code  
for such a small task.

Thanks in advance,


# Problem Set 1
# Name P Wethington
# Collaborators :None
# Time #1:00

# This is a program intended to compute the number of students who  
will benefit from a grant, also what
# amount the last student will receive. One grant is given every  
other year until the funds run out.

principal = 500000 # Starting fund amount.

balance = principal

interestRate = .05 # Interest rate added to the principal annaully.

tuition = -34986 # Starting tuition fee

tuitionInc = .041# The annual increase applied to the tuition.

count = 0 # keeps me informed on the number of students benefitting  
from this grant.

if count == 0:

         print principal, "Is the starting principal" # This is to  
show the starting balance.

         print -tuition, "Is the starting tuition."

         print principal + tuition," the amount remaining after first  
tuition deduction.  "

         balance = principal + tuition

         count = count + 1

if count ==1:

         newPrincipal = (balance * interestRate) # calculates the  
amount added to the fund

         print newPrincipal,"  Interest added to fund for one year. "

         print balance + newPrincipal, "is the new balance."

         count = count + 1

         newBalance = balance + newPrincipal

while principal > 0 +  -tuition:

         if count > 1:

                 newTuition = (tuition * tuitionInc) #calculates the  
rising cost of tuition.

                 tuition = tuition + newTuition

                 if newBalance < -tuition:
                         print newBalance + newPrincipal

                         newBalance = principal
                         print principal," is the new balance. "
                         newPrincipal = (principal * interestRate)
                         print newPrincipal," is the new interest on  
the principal. "
                         print principal + newPrincipal,"is the new  
principal. "
                         balance = principal + newPrincipal

                 newTuition = (tuition * tuitionInc) #calculates the  
rising cost of tuition.

                 tuition = tuition + newTuition
                 print  -tuition," is the new cost of tuition. "

                 principal = newBalance + tuition
                 print principal," is the new balance. "
                 newPrincipal = (principal * interestRate)
                 print newPrincipal," is the new interest on the  
principal. "
                 print principal + newPrincipal,"is the new principal. "
                 balance = principal + newPrincipal

                 count = count + 1

         if -tuition > principal:

                 print principal + newPrincipal, "was available for  
the last student."

if count > 10:

         print count, "Students used this grant."

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