[Tutor] calling other process?

Bernard Rankin berankin99 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 9 02:51:10 CET 2009

> I sympatjise but to be honest  I never use the backtick trick except at 
> the >>> prompt as a quick and dirty hack. It ranks alongside the _ variable 
> in my book as an interactive utility but it's too easy to miss or misread to use 
> in real code.
> But even popen is easier, I agree, and I am still weaning myself away from 
> popen to Popen... But I can see the reasoning behind the move.
> Of course if you do a lot of that you could always define a function 
> that supplies default values for everything but the command.

True enough.

On a slight different note, what would be the correct subprocess call if I want to pipe an email message to "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"?  

(SMTP, thus smtplib, is not liked very much by the sysadmin)

Thanks again,


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