[Tutor] Extracting information from an EXCEL/Matlab file to use in Python

"Shantanoo Mahajan (शंत "Shantanoo Mahajan (शंत
Wed Feb 11 21:16:56 CET 2009

On 12-Feb-09, at 1:31 AM, Andres Sanchez wrote:

> Fellows,
> I am trying to extract information from a spreadsheet to use it in  
> Python. For instance, say I have the number 5.6 in cell A1 of Sheet1  
> in the file example.xls . Could anyone of you ladies and gentleman  
> let me know what commands I need to type in Pyhton to open the file  
> that contains the spreadsheet, localize cell A1, and finally save  
> the value in that cell, e.g. 5.6, as a variable in Python?
> Thank you for your help!!
> Andres

For reading .xls: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlrd/0.5.2
For writing .xls: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyxlwriter/


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