[Tutor] ConfigParser re-read fails

Timo timomlists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 19:25:59 CET 2009

Hello all,

I use a file for my program that I read with ConfigParser. I append all 
sections of this file into a treeview (using pyGTK). The user can add, 
edit or remove sections, options and values. These I write back to the 
file and then update the treeview. The problem is that it doesn't 
update, the values are still the same. How can I re-read the 
configuration file?

This is (very simple) what I do:

conf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
configFile = 'config.cfg'


def fill_treeview()
    # Do the treeview stuff here

def button_clicked()
    write_config(section, option, value)

    conf.read(configFile)  # It needs to be re-read here


def write_config(section, option, value)
   if not conf.has_section(section):

    conf.set(section, key, value)

    conf.write(open(configFile, 'w'))

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