[Tutor] Copy file function works, but not with adding the date copied

cclpianos at comcast.net cclpianos at comcast.net
Fri Feb 13 17:47:58 CET 2009


I am modifying a simple program "copy file" from the tutorials Alan  
Gauld wrote. In it's first simpler instance (W/O date) it works  
beautifully. But I wanted to
add the date the file was copied. I've kept it simple by pointing to  
a single file.

The problem lies somewhere in how the program modifies the  
information. It creates the new copied file, but can't open with the  
application TextEdit. However, I can
read the file from the shell interpreter and do see the date the file  
was copied:

The date this file was copied Friday February 13


{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande;\f1\fnil\fcharset77 Verdana; 
\f2\fmodern\fcharset77 Courier;

\f3\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f4\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande-Bold; 
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  tcpdump -q -ien1    lists tcp activity reatime\


ps axc -U root    		  Lists processes by "root" users\



I'm using 2.61 on OS X 10.4.11. My apologies in advance for the  
indention format.


below is the file:

# this is a simple tool to copy a file from the console (modified to  
show the date it was copied).
import time
inp = open( "/Users/pw/Desktop/Terminal_commands.rtf","r") # file to  
be opened using the path
outp = open( "/Users/pw/Desktop/Terminalback_commands.rtf","w") #  
Copied file modified name
today = time.localtime(time.time()) #Using the time function to  
output the date file was copied
theDate = time.strftime("%A %B %d", today)
outp.write( "The date this file was copied %s\n\n" % theDate)
for line in inp:
print "This copied file has now been modified only by the date copied."
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