[Tutor] Changing the Attribute of a Variable

Wayne Watson sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 17 13:44:18 CET 2009

Note that the diagnostic output in the image shows attributeError: 'str' 
object has no attribute 'strftime'.

Let me see if I clarify what's really going on by including some of the 

In Sentinel_GUI, the mainloop, the code shows (hard coded default values):
        self.slowdown = 1
        self.stop_time = datetime.time(6,0,0) <<---
        self.start_time  = datetime.time(18,0,0)

The code for OpenConfigFile is below, which reads the text file 
containing the configuration variables and values.

===========Sample of config file==========
Sentinel NC Configuration File Sentinel User 3 - 1/3/2009 (Meteor Software)
post_event_format=Tiff 2
===========end of sample==============
Note below that I'm trying to pick off "user" variables in the file that 
are dates. self.config_var_list contains DAT (user) type for stop_time. 
Note the use of setattr at the bottom. I may have gone wrong here, when 
the code handles the DAT differently than the other user variables. See 
the code after this, where the error is raised when the dialog begins to 
be activated. There are a few more comments below this.
    def OpenConfigFile(self):
        def time_tuple(tstring):
            t = tstring.split(':')
            print 'here is t', t
            tnum = ()
            for j in range(0,len(t)):
                tnum = tnum+(string.atoi(t[j]),)   
            return tnum

        print "OCFile entered"
        config_file_name = askopenfilename( title="Open Configuration File",
                                    filetypes=CEN_FILE_TYPES )
        first_line = config_file.readline()   # skip first line
        for (j,newline) in enumerate(config_file):
            aline = newline[:-1]
            (config_var, config_value) = aline.split('=')
            config_type = self.config_var_list[j][1][1]
            self_var = "self." + config_var
            print "ocf: ",config_var,config_value,"self_var=",self_var
            if config_var == DAT: # Date type, expecting hh:mm:ss
                t_ntup = time_tuple(config_value)
                stime = datetime.time(t_ntup[0],t_ntup[1],t_ntup[2])
                print "type stime: ",type(stime)
                # Date vars should be type datetime.time
                config_value = str(stime)
                self_var_assignment = self_var +'='+ config_value
            print "self_var_assignment", self_var_assignment
            abc = self
            # self_var_assignment
            setattr(self, config_var, config_value)
=============End of OpenConfigFile===========
When the program brings up the dialog, this piece of code gets me into 
trouble, as marked.
    def OperationalSettings(self):
        print "OSett self = ", self, "type =", type(self)
        set_loc_dict = {}
        set_loc_dict[ "ok" ] = False
        set_loc_dict[ "color" ] = 2
        if self.gray_scale:
            set_loc_dict[ "color"] = 1
        print "gray scale now--wtw: ", self.gray_scale
        set_loc_dict[ "hourly_rate" ] = self.hourly_rate
        print "wtw self.stop_time", self.stop_time, type(self.stop_time)
        # set in GUI as datetime.time(6,0,0)
        # HEY wtw self.stop_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
        set_loc_dict[ "stop_time" ] = 
self.stop_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")   <<----problem, see image in first post
        set_loc_dict[ "start_time" ]  = self.start_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
        set_loc_dict[ "slowdown" ] = self.slowdown
===============End of OperationalSettings======
I've defined several user types, DAT (date-time format, time 
really--hh:mm:ss), BOO (boolean), STR (string), FLT (float), ... In the 
OpenConfigFile, I've deliberately singled out DAT, and just relegated 
all others to STR. I figured I'd have trouble here, so put DAT on stage 
first. Note though that gray_scale is boolean, and "seems" to have been 
set without a fuss.

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