[Tutor] Add readline capabilities to a Python build 2.6 on Ubuntu

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 06:01:34 CET 2009

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:27:34 +0300, زياد بن عبدالعزيز الباتلي wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:19:56 -0700
> Eric Dorsey <dorseye at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I did an aptitute install of  ibreadline5-dev and then did ./configure
>> and make again, and still don't have any functionality to be able to
>> hit up-arrow and get a command repeated while inside the interpreter.
>> Any ideas?
> I don't know what's wrong, Python should pickup "libreadline" and use it
> automatically if it was installed.
> Try passing "--with-readline" to the "configure" script.
> If that doesn't help, then I'm sorry, I'm out of ideas.

Try installing other readline modules that looks suspicious. In my Ubuntu 
machine (these are all readline-related modules in my machine, not only 
the ones that is needed for python), I have these packages installed:
v   lib32readline-dev    -
v   libghc6-readline-dev -
v   libghc6-readline-doc -
v   libghc6-readline-prof-
v   libreadline-dbg      -
v   libreadline-dev      -
i   libreadline5         - GNU readline and history libraries, run-ti
i A libreadline5-dev     - GNU readline and history libraries, develo
i   readline-common      - GNU readline and history libraries, common

try matching that and ./configure then make.

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