[Tutor] Add elements to list and display it [Very newbie question]

Network Administrator administrador.de.red at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 18:19:50 CET 2009

I am beggining to learn Python and I appreciate if you help me with this:

"I want a piece of a program to request the user to input "elements"
(numbers, text, etc) and store them into a list. Then, I want to display all
the elements one-per-line."

I started using this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This function fills any given list
# and display its content.
x = 0                           # Variable "x" initiallized to zero, just
because Python required it
while (x != 't2' ):         # On user's input "t2", no more input must be
    list = []                    # I start a zero-elements list
    x = raw_input('Enter your number or text: ')                # Software
asks for user's input.

# User's input is append to the list "list"

for x in list:                  # It asks to enter the list and...
    print x                      # print their elements.

Unfortunately, this code fails to do what I expect. I notice that user's
input is not being append to the list, so, when I require to print the
elements of the list only "t2" is displayed. I don't know how to append
elements to a list on user's input.

I appreciate your clearence.


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