[Tutor] new print statement + time module

spir denis.spir at free.fr
Sat Feb 28 08:16:29 CET 2009

Le Sat, 28 Feb 2009 06:34:07 +0200,
George Wahid <geoterium at gmail.com> s'exprima ainsi:

> I downloaded python 3.0.1 today and started experimenting with the new
> print statement.
> >>>import time
> >>>for l in 'the answer':
> ...    print(l,end='')
> ...    time.sleep(0.1)
> the code is supposed to print "the answer" with a 0.1 second long
> pause between the letters. instead, it waits for 1 second (
> 0.1*len("the answer") seconds ) and then prints "the answer". what am
> I doing wrong ?

Indeed, it does the same for me with python 2.5:

from time import sleep
for c in "1234567890":
	print c,

I guess python underlying outputs are managed like a queue that is flushed at certain points, eg whan a newline comes.
Already noticed weird outputs messing up ordinary prints (~ sys.stdout) and exceptions messages (sys.stderr). I'd like to know more about that.

> both replacing print(l,end='') with print(l) or using the msvcrt
> module instead of the print function work fine.

The same with py2.5. Without the ',', all is fine. Maybe there is a trick to force python printing ot in due time, but I have no idea, sorry.

la vita e estrany

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