[Tutor] Fw: Creating sub-menus?
denis.spir at free.fr
Thu Jan 1 13:57:54 CET 2009
On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 10:58:44 +0000 (GMT)
ALAN GAULD <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Forwarding to the list....
> Please use ReplyAll when responding.
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 4:10 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> "nathan virgil" <sdragon1984 at gmail.com> wrote
> Each menu is a function that prints out options, saves a raw_input as the
> variable choice, and returns choice. In the main menu, each option leads to
> a sub-menu. After choice is defined, however, the sub-menu "tags" the value
> of choice.
> Yes that can all work.
> Then create a loop of while choice !=q, run current_menu, and include a
> bunch of statements along the lines of:
> if choice == <value that leads to first sub-menu>:
> current_menu = <function name for first sub-menu>
> Consider using a dictionary keyed by your combined choice values.
> Then the big if/elif chain shrinks to
> returnValue = FuncDict[choice](params)
> The only challenge with this route is making all the functions
> take a single input argument. But that argument can be a tuple :-)
> Dictionaries? Tuples? I just figured out functions, so I'm very new. I'm still working on
> understanding lists. I know what I have probably isn't the best solution for what I'm trying to
> do, but I'm trying to work with the little that I know.
> This seems like it would work, but for some reason, every time I run the
> code, it freezes after I give input from the main menu. Can anybody help? I
> can show my source code, but indentation doesn't seem to copy/paste very
> well, so it may be a bit hard to read...
> Try putting it on the pastebin web site and sending us the URL.
> That gives us colour coding of syntax too which helps read it!
> http://pastebin.com/m252eea7a
Below a copy of the menu control loop of your code, with some corrections.
#In development
choice = "start" # rather use None or "" as not-yet-setvalue
current_menu = main_menu() # current_menu = main_menu : see below
while choice != "q":
current_menu # current_menu() : it's a call
#Main Menu results
if choice == "1":
current_menu = temp_conv_menu()# idem: rather no '()' for consistency
elif choice == "2":
current_menu = area_menu()
elif choice == "3":
current_menu = perim_menu()
### inside sub-menus, you simply forget to process "back to main menu" choices
### in all active branches below, you also forget to go back up a menu level
### after execution of the terminal choice
## so that, once reached, the user is stick in a terminal branch
elif choice == "t1":
temp = input("Celsius temperature: ")
print "Fahrenheit:", celsius_to_fahrenheit(temp)
* current_menu = temp_conv_menu / main_menu
* [possibly with "x = raw_input("ok?")" before]
elif choice == "t2":
temp = input("Fahrenheit temperature: ")
print "Celsius:", fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp)
* elif "t3":
* current_menu = main_menu
elif choice =="a1":
s = input("Width:")
print "Square area:", area_s(s)
elif choice =="a2":
w = input("Width:")
h = input("Height:")
print "Rectangle area:", area_r(w, h)
elif choice =="a3":
elif choice =="a4":
r=input("Radius of circle: ")
print "Circle area:", area_c(r)
In the sub-menus, I would also give a distinctive key for "back to main menu" (eg 'b' or 'm')
rather than a number. [all comments / changes / additions untested]
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