[Tutor] Top posters to tutor list for 2008

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 2 11:34:46 CET 2009

"Kent Johnson" <kent37 at tds.net> wrote

> that generates it. The lists for previous years (back to 2003) are 
> at
> the end so everyone on the list doesn't hit the archives to find out

> Alan, I thought you might have passed me this year but we are both 
> off
> a little :-)

I think the figures reflect the general level of activity on the list.
We seem to have peaked in 2005...
Statistics, don't you love 'em :-)

Danny Yoo 617
Alan Gauld 421
Jeff Shannon 283
Magnus Lycka 242

Total =~ 1500

Alan Gauld 699
Danny Yoo 530
Kent Johnson 451
Lloyd Kvam 146

Total =~ 1800

Kent Johnson 1189
Danny Yoo 767
Alan Gauld 565
Alan G 317

Total =~ 2800
(If you count both of my totals I get back into 2nd place :-)

Kent Johnson 913
Alan Gauld 815
Danny Yoo 448
Luke Paireepinart 242

Total =~ 2400

Kent Johnson 1052
Alan Gauld 938
Luke Paireepinart 260
Dick Moores 203

Total =~ 2400

Kent Johnson 931
Alan Gauld 820
bob gailer 247
Dick Moores 191

Total =~ 2200

Alan G 

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