[Tutor] repply

Ole Henning Jensen tjampman at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 17:06:12 CET 2009

prasad rao wrote:
> hi 
>   I got it right.
>  >>> z=[]
>  >>> for x in range(1000):
>     if divmod(x,3)[1]==0:z.append(x)
>     if divmod(x,5)[1]==0:z.append(x)
>  >>> sum(set(z))
> 233168

Instead of using the set function you could just use an elif in your for 

 >>> z=[]
 >>> for x in range(1000):
	if divmod(x,3)[1]==0:z.append(x)
	elif divmod(x,5)[1]==0:z.append(x)

 >>> sum(z)

or as somebody else suggested use an OR operator

 >>> z=[]
 >>> for x in range(1000):
	if (divmod(x,3)[1]==0) or (divmod(x,5)[1]==0):

 >>> sum(z)

just some variations... On an other wise correct anwser.

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