[Tutor] Active State Python with IDLE Python 2.5

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 12 09:51:18 CET 2009

"Wayne Watson" <sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net> wrote

> I installed "Python" 2.5 a few months ago, and decided I'd like to 
> try
> windowpy from ActiveState. Is having both of these installed going 
> to
> cause me trouble?

Multiple versions of Python should not be a problem provided you put
them in different folders.




for example

You will have to remember which one is the default version (ie will
be used when you double click a python file for example) but you
can set things up to run both. But there is little point. If you are
on Windows I'd personally uninstall the vanilla version and install
the ActiveState version, it has a lot more features for Windows users.

Alan G. 

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