[Tutor] Small python web server suitable for web cam streams?

Wesley Brooks wesbrooks at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 16:37:36 CET 2009

Dear Users,

I'm aware that there is a large array of web toolkits available in python
and I would like to hear some opinions on which may be best suited to my
specification so I can research them further.

I have a machine which runs for extended periods of time, and often into
days rather than just hours. I would like to set up the computer so that it
hosts a simple web page displaying current status information, and a feed
from a web camera which is viewing the business end of the machine. This web
site will not be opened to the wider internet, just kept as open access to
all machines on the local network. There is currently no requirement for any
control from the user end, just to view the page or pages.

This will be running on a windows machine.

Yours Faithfully,

Wesley Brooks
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