[Tutor] Small python web server suitable for web cam streams?

Wesley Brooks wesbrooks at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 18:53:55 CET 2009

At the minimum the page would need to display progress through a job, any
error messages, and a picture from the web camera. I've used something that
grabbed images from a USB camera using python a while back so at the
simplest I could be just after something to display a html page with an
image and just update the page on the server end once every second or so and
rely on the user to hit the refresh to get a new image.

For the next level it would be great to have something as above but with a
video stream from the camera, and various pages displaying temperatures etc.

The very best would have time plots for various temperatures (these of
course could be images generated by seperate scripts as before) and email
alerts out to users when a job is complete or an error occurs.

Is this best solved using two different toolkits? One to make the page and
another to host it?

Thanks for your help. I'll have a look at CherryPy.


2009/1/14 Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net>

> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Wesley Brooks <wesbrooks at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I have a machine which runs for extended periods of time, and often into
> > days rather than just hours. I would like to set up the computer so that
> it
> > hosts a simple web page displaying current status information, and a feed
> > from a web camera which is viewing the business end of the machine. This
> web
> > site will not be opened to the wider internet, just kept as open access
> to
> > all machines on the local network. There is currently no requirement for
> any
> > control from the user end, just to view the page or pages.
> Will the web server generate the status page and talk to the camera,
> or is it just showing static data that comes from somewhere else?
> If the data is generated outside the server you can use IIS or Apache
> to display them. If you are generating pages in the server then
> something simple like CherryPy might be a good choice, rather than one
> of the full-featured web frameworks.
> Kent
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