[Tutor] The better Python approach

Robert Berman bermanrl at cfl.rr.com
Wed Jan 21 20:02:01 CET 2009


Thank you for the clarification. Using that as my guide, I revamped my 
solution to this small challenge and attempted to make the script as 
concise as possible. The challenge is at the Challenge-You web page,

I am relatively certain I could have made it  more concise with some 
more detailed examination. If there are some obvious glaring 
deficiencies, please, anyone feel free to  comment.


Robert Berman

#!/usr/bin/env python

import string

def openinput(thepath = '/home/bermanrl/usbdirbig/Challenges/sum.txt'):
    ''' Opens text file '''
        infile = open(thepath,  'r')
        print 'Open file failure.'  
    return infile

def runprocess():
    '''Reads file and passes string to parsing function '''
    bigtotal = 0
    myfile = openinput()
    for line in myfile:
        jlist = line.split()
        for x in jlist:
            bigtotal += int(x)
    print bigtotal
if __name__ == '__main__':

Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Robert Berman" <bermanrl at cfl.rr.com> wrote
>> Perhaps i should not have said the most Python correct.
>> It looks as if it may well be the approach using the least
>> amount of work the interpreter must complete.
> That's generally true. Python can always do things the long way but its
> generally more efficient both in programmer time and performance
> speed to use the built-in functions/methods as much as possible.
> Most of them are written in C after all!
> Alan G
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