[Tutor] clipboard questions

Che M pine508 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 26 08:23:05 CET 2009

I'm curious about how to interact with the contents of the clipboard 
effectively and have a couple of questions...

1) Is there one cross-platform way to read the clipboard, or does one
have to have a different way to do it for Win, Mac, and Linux?  (I have
seen some ways with the win32clipboard module, and so thought maybe one
has to do a similar thing for each platform).

2) I would like to be able to copy formatting (bold, italics, bullets, 
hyperlinks, etc.) into the clipboard and then have Python have access 
to the text content and its formatting in such a way that it could be 
pasted somewhere within a Python app with formatting preserved.  How 
can that be done?

Thanks for any suggestions or thoughts.

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