[Tutor] Handling post request

Tiago Katcipis katcipis at inf.ufsc.br
Wed Jan 28 11:53:21 CET 2009

I am trying to make a small HTTP server on python just to handle some POST
and GET requests. I never worked with http before and dont know if i am
doing something completely stupid (probably yes). I read anything possible
already and i just cant find how i access the information sent on the POST
request, i need these because some parameters needed by the server must be
sent on the POST request, my client test does this:

f = urllib2.urlopen(url,  urllib.urlencode('http://my_server_adress:port',
{'Teste' : 'teste', 'Teste2' : 't2', 'Teste3' : 't3'}))

The server runs ok and receives the POST request just fine, but im not
finding where the data that i have sent on the post request is being held.
Sorry if the question is extremely stupid, i really tried a lot of things
already and read a lot, maybe i just have let something pass when i was
reading or i am understanding something terribly wrong :-(.

O already have take a look at:

my server code is:
def adcionar_tratador_server(endereco_servidor, tratador):
   BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(endereco_servidor, tratador).serve_forever()


  def do_HEAD(self):
    print self.command
    print self.path
    print self.headers
    print self.headers.getplist()
    print self.raw_requestline
    print urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
    return 'ok'

  def do_GET(self):
    print self.command
    print self.path
    print self.headers
    print self.headers.getplist()
    print self.raw_requestline
    print urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
    return 'ok'

  def do_POST(self):
    print self.command
    print self.path
    print self.headers
    print self.headers.getplist()
    print self.raw_requestline
    print urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
    return 'ok'

adcionar_tratador_server(('', 8000) , TratadorRequisicaoHTTPIDLocutor)

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