[Tutor] Find a Word in *.py (Win XP)

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed Jan 28 16:12:36 CET 2009

Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Wayne Watson" <sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net> wrote
>> Just using the standard Win XP Pro folder search.
>> I target the folder with my py programs, use *.py to
>> search, and specify I'm looking for angle in the files it finds.
> Yes, I get the same behaviour!
> I tried searching for 'import' which should be almost every file!
> It came up blank. When I tried tkinter it found one file with Tkinter
> in the file name. It seems it is not looking inside the file!
> Weird.

It's because of XP search treating what it thinks of as text
files differently from what it doesn't think of as text files.
It does the same for .sql. Immensely irritating. There is some
registry fudge which will work around it, but I gave up on
using Windows search years ago. (FWIW, I use the pay-for
xplorer2 everywhere I go which has been invaluable to me,
but YMMV).


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